Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Appointments, Appointments, Appointments

Well, I finally have almost all of my pre-chemo appointments made, and one after chemo one as well.

On top of the cancer, I also deal with ulcerative colitis, and I've been having some issues lately with that, so a colonoscopy has been scheduled before my chemo.  If they need to do anything additional it will have to be coordinated for a time when my white blood cell counts are up.  Radiation Oncology will now happen after my first chemo, just by a day, but that's fine as any radiation would be after I'm done with chemo.  All that's left to do is schedule my echo and get blood drawn.  I also need to make an appointment for a wig.  We went last night, but I didn't like the place.  They didn't seem to listen to me, never asked my preference, and completely ignored Jim.

Chemo will start on September 30th.  The first treatment is 7 hours long.  We will need to have plenty of books to read :)


  1. Michelle sorry about the wig place, glad Jim is there for you throughout it.

  2. praying for you sister! Thank you for updating. I am so sorry that the wig place didn't work out but I know that God will guide your steps to the best place for you =)

  3. As always I am praying for you and yours. It is not easy road and it is not easy to prepare. God bless.

  4. Praying that all goes well for you on the 30th.
