Wednesday, March 15, 2017


To say that I'm loving the thicker eyebrow look would be an understatement.  There's just something about it that I think frames the eyes so well.  Unfortunately, between genetics and chemo (though thankfully they are growing back in), my eyebrows don't fit the look too well.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to fill in and give yourself that beautiful thick eyebrow look.  I am in love with the eyebrow makeup from Anastasia Beverly Hills.  What I do is a three step process (blush brushing), but it really doesn't take too long.

First I prime with the Brow Primer.

 Next, I use this great brush and the Brow Powder Duo to outline my brows and then fill in.

I do a final fill in with the Brow Wiz.

Some tricks that I learned at Sephora, once you outline the bottom on your brows, use the mascara wand looking side of the brush to brush your eyebrows down and then outline the top.  Once you've outlined the top, brush them back up and then fill.

Shop the post: Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Primer, Brush #14, Brow Powder Duo, and Brow Wiz.

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