Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hello, It's Me Again

It has been a long time since I've posted anything here.  I think that it was a combination of work really draining me mentally, being incredibly busy, and just really not knowing what to write.  I think that I was so focused on creating something great, that I ended up not creating anything at all.

New River Gorge from the Wednesday after Christmas
When I did my first blog, years and years ago, I wanted it to be a place where I could brain dump, and that's what I think that this blog needs to be.  I want this spot on the web to be a place where I can write about whatever is on my mind or what is going on in my life.  It probably won't ever be this cohesive place where you know that if you check in on Tuesdays, you'll see a fashion post, or a food post on Fridays.  Instead, it will be a place where you get a glimpse into my life and into my brain.

So what have I been up to the past bunch of months.  I did 4 trips; our annual long weekend in northwestern PA with my husband's family, our annual fall vacation (this year's destination was the Great Smoky Mountains), and two trips to DC, once in August for the national meeting of a professional organization that we belong to, and then we went back in November so that I could speak at a workshop.

We've also planned a bathroom renovation, and it is scheduled to start the week of January 22nd.  I'll definitely post about it.  Just getting it planned has been crazy, with a whole host of decisions to make.  This week we're going to be meeting with a designer to start planning out the next phase of the remodel, which is the kitchen. 

And, as always, work has kept me very busy.  Maybe a bit too busy, though part of that is learning to deal with distractions better and to quit trying to multi-task.

One of my goals for 2018 is to get back to writing and blogging.  I want to document the renovation, and my fitness journey, and any other random thing that piques my interest.

So that's the past couple of months in a nutshell.  What are some things you'd like to read about here?  Drop me a comment and let me know.