April seemed like the longest month ever. I used to think that January dragged on. Man, it has nothing on April. And yes, I know that today is already May 2nd, I got sidetracked and am just now writing this post.
For as long as April was, there were some things that made me smile. Here's just a few . . .
1. A long drive with my husband in honor of my birthday.
We were supposed to go to Cleveland and go shopping, but with everything closed we just took a drive. It may not have been what we originally planned, but it was such a relaxing, low key day. And we ended it with Thai takeout :)
2. Hanging out on Zoom each Tuesday with the ladies from church.
Our twice a month Bible study at Panera has turned to a weekly meet-up on Zoom. These have been some of the best moments of the month getting to hang out with these ladies and getting to know them more.
3. While spring is still self-isolating, the trees are starting to bloom
4. A new car
Granted, we had to drive to Ohio to get it, but I am now the proud lease holder of a Mazda 3
5. Carrot bread
The best thing ever :)
6. M&M Brownies
Need I say more?
6. A new Sunday morning routine of picking up breakfast and coffee from a local coffee shop before doing church online
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