Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Buddha Bowl

One of my favorite no recipe, recipes is Buddha Bowls. Basically a Buddha Bowl is a meal comprised of a whole bunch of ingredients thrown together with a sauce added.  If you look on Pinterest, you will find a whole lot of recipes for them, which you can of course follow, but they are really easy to make with whatever you have on hand.  This makes them great for now, when so many are eating out of their pantry.

I think that traditionally Buddha Bowls were vegetarian, but I have added chicken to mine in the past.  Traditionally, they are also served cold, but for this one, I did heat my rice, onion, and mushrooms.

The other great thing about these are that they can be meal prepped.  I stored the ingredients in different containers depending on whether they were going to be reheated or not.  The week that I made these ones, I also didn't feel like making my own sauce, so I used a store bought one.  If you want to try your hand at making one, my favorite Buddha bowl sauce is this one by Davida over at The Healthy Maven.

If you want to recreate the bowl that I made, I sauteed a sweet onion and some Baby Bella mushrooms and roasted some frozen broccoli.  I added them to some brown rice and this is what I reheated each day.  The rest of the bowl was some baby spinach, diced cucumbers,  and matchstick carrots.  Finally I added a soft boiled egg.

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